Indigo Insights

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

The internet and blogging have opened new vistas for me. Especially ‘The Axis of Weevil’, which I should make my homepage inasmuch as I go there first thing every morning. What a disappointment when there are no fresh blogs from these new-found Alabama brothers and sisters! I have such an affinity for the essence of my new Alabama friends that I wonder if I was an Alabaman in a previous life. I could have done a whole lot worse! And now to learn that James Redfield, a favorite author who wrote “The Celestine Prophecy”, is from Alabama - - well, that just frosts the cake! Since I’ve never visited Alabama (and, alas, could not come back with a banjo on my knee!) I’m putting such a trip into my Round Tuit and hope it will come to the top before too long.