Indigo Insights

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

My dearest and oldest friend, Brenda, is quite a history buff, as am I. She is very much into genealogy, The War of Northern Aggression, her roots, and our Southern heritage. Since we have mutual ancestors and were born and raised in the same little North Carolina village, when she finds something outstandingly interesting, she shares it with me. Today I received from her in the mail an awe-inspiring new find (for me). The home page for the Averasboro Battlefield and Museum.

The home page gives links to many informative sites to browse at your leisure. But you may want to read about the 138th Anniversary of the Battle of Averasboro immediately. This page describes the celebration for this upcoming weekend, and will be of interest today to those who may want to attend.

"The Battle of Averasboro was the first deliberate, tactical resistance to the infamous march of Federal forces through Georgia and Carolina. The battle was fought on the plantation lands of the John Smith family, called Smithville, four miles south of the Cape Fear River village of Averasboro. The action is planned to begin Saturday, Mar. 15th at 1:00 pm at the Confederate first line of defense. Watch as re-enactors representing Colonel Alfred Rhett's South Carolina Brigade defend the Confederate first line."

"The reenactment is based directly on historical fact. On March 15, 1865, at about 3 pm, Union troops, Judson Kilpatrick's Federal horsemen, and the 9th Michigan Cavalry arrived on the Smithville Plantation leading Sherman's advance up the Plank Road. They struck a heavy skirmish line composed of men from Colonel Alfred M. Rhett's South Carolina brigade who halted the Union advanced skirmishers from their main line 400 yards north of Oak Grove Plantation House."

The 137th Anniversary page gives an excellent synopsis of last year's event, with pictures and quotes from those attending, such as: “It’s an honor for us to be here. We travel all over and this is one of the best re-enactments we’ve been to. We’re right on the battlefield, right on the hallowed ground the fighting took place on. It doesn’t get any better than this. As long as this continues and we're invited, we’ll be here,” said Sgt. David Topps of the 150th N.Y. Volunteers.

Each page that I have viewed so far has music from the time period as background. The authentic music is quite impressive and makes a lovely background for the historical data given. Have speakers up so you can hear and enjoy.