Indigo Insights

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Media Research Center
"CBS skipped over the inconvenient numbers in its own poll. Bill Plante maintained on Thursday's CBS Evening News that 'the nation remains almost equally divided on whether the administration has made the case for war' and 'a solid majority of Americans...still thinks the President should get UN approval before taking military action.' "

But that very same CBS News poll, in results Plante didn't tell viewers about, discovered respondents favored taking "military action to remove Saddam Hussein" by 69 to 26 percent. Plus, it found significant reductions from the previous week in the percentage of people who think the U.S. should "wait for UN approval" or "take allies' views into account," and hikes in the percentage who want the U.S. to take action "without UN approval" or "do whatever it thinks is right."

Plante reported on the March 6 CBS Evening News: "The administration is almost having as much trouble with public opinion at home according to the latest CBS News poll. The nation remains almost equally divided on whether the administration has made the case for war and is also split on whether Iraq poses an immediate threat or can be contained. A solid majority of Americans in our latest survey still thinks the President should get UN approval before taking military action."

On screen viewers saw:
"Has the Bush administration made the case for war?"
Yes: 47%
No: 44%"

And: "Iraqi threat:
Military action now: 45%
Can be contained 43%"

But a check of results of the poll "conducted among a nationwide random sample of 723 adults, interviewed by telephone March 4-5, 2003," as listed on the CBS News Web site yielded a less clear picture of public disagreement with the Bush policy, or at least a public rapidly moving in Bush's direction:

So much for getting your news from the "major networks" CBS, NBC, ABC. What I'd really like to know is how an obtuse Independent nincompoop like me can easily find such evidence of media bias just by surfing the web, and Dem/Libs deny it's happening. (sigh)