Indigo Insights

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

"The Content of Their Character"
Posted by Doc Farmer
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
(Thoughts written on January 19, 2004 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

Reverend King’s dream has not been realized. Black people today are still judged on the color of their skin. But that judgment has changed from his day to mine. Back then, black people (who at the time were known as Negroes or Coloreds) were discriminated against. Now, in many cases, they are discriminated toward.

Either way, it’s discrimination. And discrimination is wrong.

Assume, if you will, that all men are created equal. That’s the ideal, and that’s also the fact. We all come into the world with the same rights, the same protection under law. But we don’t all come into the world with the same talents or abilities or potential. That’s also a truth, but an uncomfortable one for most lib/dem/soc/commies to accept. I can’t sing to save my soul, but my one sister can sing like a bird. I can’t fix anything mechanical, but I’ve a brother-in-law who can build a car out of spit and toenail clippings. I couldn’t nail two sticks together, but I have a nephew who’s a full-fledged carpenter.

Different talents and abilities. All of which are honorable. Unless you’re white.

Some universities in America think that if a '''race''' has been discriminated against, an individual of that race should benefit over an individual of equal (and sometimes greater) talent who is sans pigment. Some companies, in their headlong rush not to look racist, become the very thing they deplore by looking at someone’s skin tone before their résumé. Some politicians believe that the only way they can win is to get the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Women’s vote, the Asian vote, and tailor their speeches and their policies to what will please certain groups instead of doing what is right for all. And sadly, some so-called ''leaders'' in the black community use their position not to help their fellows, but to line their own pockets.

As a fully-fledged honky (the only guy on this planet whiter than I am, seems to be Michael Jackson) I am prejudged as a bigot. Because I don’t believe in visiting the sins of the fathers upon their sons, I am called a greedy slaver for not supporting reparations. Because I don’t agree with rap music spouting off the ''F'' word in every sentence and calling women ''ho’s'' and shooting cops, I’m treading on the freedom of expression of a repressed an aggrieved people.

However, the greatest sin I seem to be committing is this: I judge people by what they do, and how they do it. I judge them with a blind eye to their so-called race. To me, everybody’s Human. Anything else is mere window dressing. And because I judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, I’m doing what people like Jesse Jackson fear most. I’m taking away their victimhood. Because only by remaining victims can a group retain sympathy. By retaining sympathy, a group can be excused for a multitude of failings. And individuals can be given an excuse to remain victims, instead of rising above it and becoming successful.

Success is a frightening thing to some. It requires effort. Failure is easy. It only requires sloth and a belief that you really are a victim. And after four decades of the ''great society,'' the U.S. government has harbored and supported the victimhood of millions. Not by offering a hand up, but a hand out. Not by giving people incentive to succeed, but an excuse to fail. Because Big Brother--the lib/dem/soc/commie variety, true fascism--isn’t interested in your success if you’re a minority. It’s interested in your continued votes. Keeping groups apart, and keeping them down, and keeping them jealous of others, is the perfect way to ensure their loyalty, for the lib/dem/soc/commies are telling all of them that they’re really looking out for their best interests. When, in fact, they don’t give a rat’s rear end about any interests but their own.

This is brought into greatest focus every year. Martin Luther King Jr. is lauded as a great hero, cut down before his time, who lead his people from slavery like Moses. And to be sure, King was truly the man of the moment. His speech at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial stirred the souls of all but the most heartless. Black people were mistreated, and they were denied their rights only due to their skin color. King, and other leaders of his time both black and white, brought this into focus, and took political and legal actions to change that. To some extent, they succeeded.

Unfortunately, to another extent they created a new monster. A new slavery that King never intended, but that others saw as a political outcome of the socialist state. A political outcome that would ensure a major voting bloc, and a way to keep people enslaved with welfare-fed indolence. Instead of raising up, many were kept down. Oh, they were given the trappings of freedom, but the lib/dem/soc/commies were only tossing them scraps from their table. And they decided to create a new enemy for blacks. One that would allow them to take all they had done, cloak all of their ills in the fallacy of good works, and focus blame yet again on someone else.


And you too. If you’re white, that is.

So I am judged, not by the content of my character, but the color of my skin.

Dr. King must be spinning in his grave.


Doc Farmer formerly lived in Qatar, but now resides in Indiana. He receives e-mail at:

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