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Musings of the Chronologically Challenged™ Fourth Generation ![]()
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
WARNING: BORING SYNOPSIS FOLLOWS It all started out simply enough. My BlogSon and GrandBlogSon came on a Good Samaritan mission to help the handicapped -- ME! I don't know what caused the malfunctions in my two computers, so I'll just say they both went to hell in a cyber basket after Firefox was installed in April. So the first thing I asked the guru crew to do was UNINSTALL Firefox. The system was just not compatible with the other things that were on my computer. Don't ask me why, because I didn't INSTALL it either. In any case, GrandBlogSon had everything running rather smoothly on the laptop (where I do most of my computer work) when they left on Friday. But when I attempted to post a blog, the nemesis of all amateurs popped on the screen: "Incorrect Password." I know from previous computer glitches that somehow passwords voluntarily change themselves when systems are turned around or altered. I assume that's what happened. So I tried every password I've ever used since 1999. But to no avail. Always the same message: "Incorrect Password." The "whoevers" had thoughtfully planned for this possibility and offered to give me a new password if I indicated one was needed. I did so indicate. They did not respond for three days of multiple emails to them. I can only conjecture that some thread of communication had also broken down in the overhaul, but in any case, I could not get an email through to the "whoevers." Finally last night close to midnight, I was notified that I could go to "this and that" site and register a new password. Which I did, only I entered the same password that I had always used, so I could remember it. Since that one had some how been voided, deleted, or magically vaporized, I figured whatever I entered would be "new". For once, I was right. Again, that was last night. First thing Monday morning -- actually five minutes before Dee, my Girl Friday (who comes on Monday), was due to arrive at work -- she telephoned to let me know that she had taken a full time job and would not be back. She really needed full time work and I don't blame anyone for bettering herself, but to say I was left high and dry and discombobulated, is putting it mildly. Dee was my first caretaker and was with me almost three years. She was my right hand and literally did everything for me that I could not get out to do for myself after I stopped driving. So here it is Monday morning and she says she won't be coming in -- and this is the first day of vacation week for my kids and grandkids who will start coming in that afternoon. Total panic. The house was a wreck and almost wall to wall with shedding dog and cat fur! Fortunately, my daughter was the first to arrive and she took care of the real emergency stuff. Then we started trying to figure out where on earth we could find someone to take Dee's place in just a few days - by next Monday. Enter another Good Samaritan: Dear Denise, the patron saint of down-and-outers of the Crystal Coast! I've told her many times that it would not matter she was not Catholic, upon her death the Swansboro Catholic church would have a new saint's statue on the grounds: Saint Denise!! True to form, she "just happened to know about" a perfect replacement who had recently completed an assignment and was between jobs. Long story somewhat shorter: New Girl Friday, Donna, passed the interview with flying colors. My daughter and I both were impressed with her, but most important, the dogs really liked her. A dog is a great judge of character, you know! The cats, of course, ignored her. Basically, that's the explanation of why no blog posts for the last several days. Bless all of you who kept popping in to see if I was back. Made me feel better to know you were looking for me. The vacation group will leave Sunday. Between now and then, I'll have to play posting by ear as time permits. |