Indigo Insights

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Inquiring minds want to know

With fingers crossed and a grateful heart (but empty xanax bottle!) we present THE RETURN OF INDIGO

Firstly, many thanks to you who noted my absence and had kind things to say about me this week. My self-imposed banishment from BlogWorld was of necessity. Those who come through the Indigo Door on a semi-regular basis may be familiar with the ongoing computer problems I've had. The history is too painful to recapitulate. As of yesterday, however, there was a little flicker of light at the end of the tunnel of hell, known as blogging, when the "fix-it" guy was here for another two hours. At least he was able to get back my access to the posting page. (This will be the final test!)

Just a quicky bio for new readers: Before my retirement in 1991, I was "too busy" to learn computers. The few things that I would have done on a computer (had I known how!) I turned over to my executive assistant. I devoted my time to PR work and meeting the ubiquitous deadlines of the publishing business. Murphy's Law went into effect almost as soon as my husband and I retired. Within a couple of years of moving to our retirement home on the coast of North Carolina, he was stricken with Alzheimer's. He remained at home with me and our grandson as long as I could manage, but eventually his condition required more care than I could give -- especially the lifting. At that time our daughter (Geriatric R.N.) took him into an improvised care unit in her home, where he remained until his death in 2001.

Grandson moved out on his own when he was 20 and several people suggested that I should get a personal computer and finish a book in progress -- to keep me occupied, don't ya know? (long interval here, while I thought about it) In 1999, I bit the bullet and bought the computer. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO TURN IT ON!!! Starting from zero knowledge in 1999 to the present, with maybe 10% of the knowledge I need, I was, and continue to be, much like Blanche DuBois! So many kind fellow bloggers have helped me out along the way. I can never thank you enough for your assistance. But I truly believe in the "bread cast upon the water" business, or karma, or what goes around, or whatever you may perceive that law of universal balance. The fact remains that some of the great bloggers listed in my LYNX at left will be deluged if all that bread comes back a hundredfold at once!!!

So DOES absence make the heart grow fonder? Maybe. Ya'll have surely had some nice things to say to me and about me this past week. Heartfelt appreciation for every single word.