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Musings of the Chronologically Challenged™ Fourth Generation ![]()
Sunday, December 01, 2002
I was told by my Galactic Guru that this would be a good blog. Can't imagine who would be interested, but "ours is not to reason why". Ergo: TEXAS CHILI Doesn't seem to matter what part of the country one lives in, Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving. In our coastal area, the Season to Be Jolly is kicked off on Saturday night with an impressive regatta, known locally as The Christmas Flotilla. It really is quite beautiful. All the boats, both pleasure and commercial, are ingeniously decorated with every conceivable nautical motif, a la Christmas. The lights on the boats are awesome, and as each boat slides quietly down the Inland Waterway, the children (and adults too) vote with their ooohs and aaahs for their favorites. As dark falls on the designated Saturday, the Flotilla launches from a nearby port city and travels down the Waterway about seven miles to a quaint little fishing village on the ocean, where it ends with great festivities. Santa Claus rides in the last boat, and when it docks at the village, he comes ashore to pass out goodies and gifts to the miniature Michelin tire people - who by then are Michelin popsicles. So Saturday morning, I received a telephone call from a Marine Corps officer's wife (friends) proposing that she bring over a pot of chili to enjoy and warm up with after the Flotilla. These folks are from Texas, and since I had never had any authentic Texas chili, and her kids wanted to watch the Flotilla from the pier in front of my house, we quickly struck a deal. Later in the day, another friend, Jackie, telephoned for chit-chatting and I mentioned to her that Captain and Mrs. Texan were coming over with a pot of chili. "Oh my!", said Jackie, "That'll be REAL Texas chilli made with beef, won't it? That should be delicious!" "Yes", I agreed, nonplussed. "I'm sure it will be much tastier than the chilli I make with possum!." (Now, really. Wasn't that a long way to go for a Southern punchline? Told you, Guru!) Epilog: The Flotilla was postponed due to high winds at dark. The chilli was mighty fine. I do believe it IS better with beef. |