Indigo Insights |
Musings of the Chronologically Challenged™ Fourth Generation ![]()
Thursday, June 12, 2003
(Note: TWGAS: The following was first posted (or attempted) at 7:00. It didn't go up. This is the second attempt. I'm blaming the foul-up on Blogger changes! And crossing my fingers before I continue.) It's Getting Better Only took four tries to get Francesca's name linked on yesterday's blog. Maybe I'll have better luck today. And nevermind that I had only a mini-clue about what was going on at the old Blogger page, now they have completely redone it. Re-learn again! Blogging used to be fun. Just type away on my thoughts and then alert family members and Blog Daddy (Chuck) that there was a new posting. When I retired from publishing, I promised myself that I would never (never say never!) work under the pressure and constraints of deadlines again. See, the thing was, when Blog Daddy pushed me into Blog World - much as my real life daddy pushed me into the woods to learn to hunt - I was the quintessential newbie. Sergeant Schultz knew more than I did. In 16 months I've learned a little more than the Sergeant, but not much. During these months, the spirit of Blanche DuBois has enveloped me time and time again -- perhaps much like the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt enveloped Hillary. The truth (Laid Bear - ha!) is that without the input and patience of such Blogosphere Saints as Chuck, Uncle Terry, Cousin Bubba, Jay Solo, Tony Hooker, the sagacious Professor McGehee, and others to whom I apologize for not being able to readily remember, even this paltry page would not exist. There's lots more to be said in this vein, and lots more to do to make Indigo Insights an acceptable blog site, but for today I just wanted to remind those "kind strangers" that I am daily mindful of to whom I owe mega thanks. Sincerely, Blance DuBois aka Indigo |