Indigo Insights

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

If you've never noticed that the older you get, the less the body tolerates total enjoyment, then you aren't old enough yet. Total enjoyment is really quite exhausting to a decrepit anatomy. But worth the fatigue when the rewards are as fulfilling as the past few days were with my guests here at the Indigo House. The surf boarding, water skiing, beach combing and bar hopping that Mr. & Mrs. GOC2 and I missed due to our infirmities, we made up for in quality time, sharing good stories, and enjoying laughing together. It was no Wreckle on Jekyll, but it surely was the Most on the Coast for us!

Now all I need to do is catch up a week of backed up e-mail and blog reading. I have no idea what you cyber comrades have been up to while I accomplished nothing blogosphericly productive. I'll get back when I'm updated.

If this were a regular blog, I'd be PUSSYFOOTIN™ this: Another psychotic celebrity "passing" as semi-normal.