Indigo Insights

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Sunday, June 26, 2005
with Lynx

>^..^< An American Boy Grows Up. Experience this touching video with voiceover by John Wayne. Don't know where the Old Navy Guy found it, but it's definitely a "kleenex moment."

>^..^< Chuck, of You Big Mouth You, posts an article from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about the perils and progress of Iraqi firemen.

>^..^< Ocean Guy is wondering why the trial of Sami Al-Arian is getting such little national coverage. So am I.

>^..^< Mike the Marine and the Sailor in the Desert are experiencing Blogspot probs, but if you can work around the snafus, give their blogs a read. Always informative.

>^..^< McGehee responds to Kelo with some sane suggestions. Or maybe you don't agree. Tell him.

>^..^< Chuck Myguts gives the "redneckin Laws that deal with bolts" See June 25 and scroll for the heading "2 and I worked on the “2+3” yesterday."

>^..^< Altho GOC Denny and GOC Ray are both coming out from under some extra burdens, they still manage to get engrossing posts up from time to time. [G]

>^..^< Expect a low profile today from The Wild Bunch who attended the Low-Country Boil last night.

Saturday, June 25, 2005
Why not use its full potential?

B.B. King gets instant analysis on his blood levels. (5 seconds, he says)

Suspected pregnancies confirmed or denied in minutes.

Body temperature established with a modern instrument inserted in the ear for a few moments.

Blood pressure reading from a finger.

Palm prints for entry into security guarded quarters.

Identification based on the iris of the human eye.

Voice test for determining truth or fiction.

And the list of questions answered by modern technology goes on and on and on, ad infinitum.

"Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that [party[ or that [party] can long endure." Both Democrat and Republican parties accuse the other of lies and distortions, conspiracies and treason. Available technology could settle such conflicts with a simple test. The "liars" would decline to take the test. The truth-tellers would volunteer to be tested. That should pretty much settle a given issue - unless, of course, the ACLU got into the mix.



>^..^< La Shawn Barber speaks to "Blog Power" and Sen. Richard Durbin.

>^..^< Da Goddess answers an unhappy mother of a returning Iraq vet. When you get over there, take a minute to follow the link to this follow-up on La Shawn's post.

[Both of the above references would be ideal examples of the efficacy of a "who's lying?" test. I think a "chip" may work well.]


Three old guys are out walking. First one says, "Windy, isn't it?"
Second one says, "No, its Thursday!"
Third one says, "So am I. Let's go get a beer."

The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.

One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young. Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

>^..^< Smoke on the Water is back - and man, is he SMOKING!!!

>^..^< The Sailor is doing some smoking of his own.

>^..^< Russ of TacJammer enjoys a good fisk at the expense of some poor guy who didn't realize what he was getting into. You GO, Russ.

>^..^< "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." How many do you use? Fun trip down nostalgia lane. Don't miss second link.
UPDATE: Nevermind. Accidental Verbosity already posted the list. (and a better version, I must add)



"At least one of the lodges in the village makes a feast daily for the Great Spirit. I cannot explain this so that the white people will comprehend me, because we have no regular standard among us. Everyone makes his feast as he thinks best, to please the Great Spirit, who has the care of all beings created."
-- Black Hawk, Sauk

"We send our little Indian boys and girls to school, and when they come back talking English, they come back swearing, There is no swear word in the Indian language, and I haven't yet learned to swear."
-- Gertrude S. Bonnin (Zitkala-Sa), Yankton Sioux


Christina's Timely Tip About Clothes Dryers

I had a wonderful morning, the heating unit went out on my dryer! Why does everything seem to fall apart this time of year!???

The guy that fixes things went in to the dryer and pulled out the lint filter. It was clean. We always clean the lint from the filter after every load of clothes. He told us that he wanted to show us something.

He took the filter over to the sink and ran hot water over it. Now, the lint filter is made of a mesh material - I'm sure you know what your dryer's lint filter looks like. WELL......the hot water just sat on top of the mesh!!! It didn't go through it at all!!!

He told us that dryer sheets cause a film over that mesh and that's what burns out the heating unit. You can't SEE the film, but it's there. He said the best way to keep your dryer working for a very long time (and to keep your electric bill lower) is to take that filter out and wash it with hot soapy water and an old toothbrush (or other brush) at least every
six months. He said that makes the life of the dryer at least twice as long! How about that???!!!! Learn something new everyday! I certainly didn't know dryer sheets would do that. So, I thought I'd share!

Note: I went to my dryer and tested my screen by running water on it. The water ran thru a little bit but mostly collected all the water in the mesh screen. I washed it with warm soapy water and a nylon brush. I had it done in 30 seconds. Then when I rinsed it the water ran right thru the screen! There wasn't any puddling at all! That repairman knew what he was talking about!


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

In addition to some old familiar friends, there are bloggers in The Conservative Brotherhood that you will also find interesting. Give some of them a read.

The Conservative Brotherhood
La Shawn Barber
Booker Rising
Michael D. Cobb Bowen
Tavares Forby
Desmond S. Hunter
Michael H. King
Ambra Nykol
Juliette Ochieng
Joseph C. Phillips
Samantha Pierce
Shay Riley
Darmon C. Thornton
Avery Tooley
Scott Wickham
TCB Information


I'm not sure if "Father's Day" is observed in England, but this is a wonderful post from a father who is a very special one. He says it's his daughter who's special. Here's a snippet. You decide.


Right up at the top of people who make me laugh is my daughter Rita. This isn’t the normal "daddy laughing at treasured angel offspring” sort of thing – it’s a true appreciation of an incredibly quick and wicked sense of humour. It started to develop when she was about 3 minutes old when shortly after making her entrance to the world, she had the doctors and midwives freaking out by lifting her head and apparently looking around a la E.T.

Read it all here, with pics, from the Giggling Cancer Patient.



In the token fulfillment of the notorious "Tag" from last week (see below), my attention was brought back to this book. It occurred to me that some quotations from Kent Nerburn's compilation may be a good ongoing feature for Indigo Insights. Starting now.

"Let us put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children." -- Sitting Bull

"All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth." -- Chief Seattle

"It does not require many words to speak the truth." -- Chief Joseph


with Lynx

>^..^< Remember, I'm catching up, so if you missed La Shawn Barber's mini-rant on the Anti-Lynching Legislation as I did, see it here and check out the Comments too.

>^..^< I was also late in finding Huffington's Toast. Don't let a late arrival happen to you.

>^..^< And I almost missed these beautiful babies at the Nice Old Yorkie Lady's blog. (I refuse to call her "Grouchy" - because she simply IS NOT!)

>^..^< Bloggers keep asking "why?" upon reading the disturbing items in the news about the monsters among us. The answers have been here, as well as in other similar articles, all the time: ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY, SOCIOPATHY, AND PSYCHOPATHY. Recommended reading for insight in discerning "why?", with the added plus of a better understanding of some of your acquaintances, perhaps!


Saturday, June 18, 2005
Saturday Sing-a-Long
(You know the tune)

car tires
and windows
and multi-guest parties

and ironing
and tolerate smarties

ill-behaved children
and others' pet poo

These Are a Few of the Things I Won't Do!

(Oh, yes -- and TAGS!!!)

I am responding only because this treacherous "gottcha" came from a BlogSon. Et tu, Sailor? It has to end somewhere -- so here is a line in the sand. See details below from A Sailor in the Desert. Indigo readers who would like to voluntarily participate and carry forward the Tag, have at it. Post it on your blog and Tag whomever you please. Here is HALF of my obligation - and that's all I'm going to say about that.

(from Sailor)

Tagged again!
I got tagged once again. That means I need to post the answers to four questions and then tag five others. If you found an invitation to read this in your Comment Section that means you have been tagged. So here are the questions and my answers.

(1) Number of books you own: I do not think I can count that high.....LOL
(2) Last book bought: Talon of the Silver Hawk. I needed some SciFiFantasy to get away from the day to day realities of life.
(3) Last book I read: The Art Of War by Sun Tzu. Well re-read actually. As David said, the Chinese still use these priciples of warfare. Our elected officials and their appointees need to constantly re-read this book.
(4) Five books that mean a lot to me: So many books, so few to select.
(1) The Federalist Papers. They are the explanations of the Republic.
(2) The Art Of War by Sun Tzu. His thoughts and ideas are still taught and used in China today. If you're concerned about China's policies you should read this book. No need to improve on this answer.
(3) The Anti-Federalist Papers. Always good to see the opposing point of view.
(4) Diplomacy by Henry Kissinger
(5) Without Remorse by Tom Clancy. For reasons best known to only me.
I will be posting invitations some time early morning. So watch your comments!

Update: I have selected my victims:

Cao's Blog - One smart lady!
e-Claire - Another really smart lady!
Indigo Insights - Another very smart lady and my beloved BlogMom!
Obnoxiuos Droppings - My BlogBrother and I always did wonder what went on in the head of a Marine.
Pirate's Cove - I always wanted to be a Pirate.

Let the games begin!

Indigo's Response:

(1) Number of books you own: Thousands; overflowed the house years ago.

(2) Last book bought: Brother Ray - autobiograpy, Ray Charles

(3) Last book I read: The Wisdom of the Native Americans -- ex:
"You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight into our hearts." -- Cochise, Chiricahua Chief

(4) Five books that mean a lot to me:
1. The Source
2. Atlas Shrugged
3. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
4. A Road Less Travelled
5. Holy Bible


Friday, June 17, 2005

Hands down, the very best article I've ever read on cats is HERE.
Although I bred registered Persians for several years, and read and read and subscribed and subscribed, I've never found so much information in one place before.

Still catching up on my blog reading, while browsing at Mostly Cajun's place, I came across Unscrewing The Inscrutable link. Cajun's post of June 10, House Tigers, is also a very nice "cat read" for the feline-inclined.

Who knew GOC Denny had a liberal friend??!! And in addition to her regular blog, Happy Never After, she has provided her cats with a blog of their own so they can expess their opinions also. See Catsville by Ricky and LT for some caterwauling hooting!

Related article: PETA Workers Charged With Animal Cruelty

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

All babies are precious, cute and cuddly. A baby will bring a smile to the face of the most confirmed grouch. They are God's darling gifts. No doubt about it. Contrary to parental opinion, however, they are not all beautiful. By the time one reaches greatgrandmotherhood, a whole lot of babies have been viewed, rocked, tickled and regaled with lullabies. At this age, I'm pretty much underwhelmed by babies, almost to the point of "seen one, seen them all." The first really beautiful baby I recall, the one who made a lifelong impression as the quintessential beautiful baby, was a cousin who came into my family when I was 10 years old. She was absolutely angelic. Her gorgeous blue eyes and cherubic blond curls inspired awe in me, and she held that distinction until my own first child was born. As my mother used to say, "Every crow thinks her baby bird is the blackest." and I always believed that until I saw Sadie. Memory may have dimmed my impressions of years ago, but in my recent awareness, here is the most gorgeous baby I've seen in many, many years. WHAT A DAZZLER!

with Lynx

>^..^< Keeping with "the children", Cajun posted a cute story, plus Name Game VII on June 12. (Remember, I'm catching up!)

>^..^< The Sailor has a link to Take Back the Memorial on his home page, following up on THE GREAT GROUND ZERO HEIST posted June 8, below.

>^..^< Jen is helping to locate Flag-flyers. See this and get your pictures in.

>^..^< The Brier Patch says It Is Not About Guantanamo Bay. Good read.


What is an English horn teacher called?
A Tudor tooter tutor.

Why do violinists stand for long periods outside people's houses?
They can't find the key and they don't know when to come in.

Definition of a bar line?
A gathering of tuba players at a popular drinking establishment.

What do you call a trombonist with a beeper?
An optimist.

What's the difference between a banjo player and a trombonist sitting at a bus stop?
Chances are the banjo player is going to a gig.

How can you make a french horn sound like a trombone?
Take your hand out of the bell and lose all sense of taste.

During a rehearsal one day, Sir Thomas Beecham grew impatient with a female cellist. "Madam", he declared, "you have between your legs an instrument capable of giving pleasure to thousands, and all you can do is scratch it."

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

If you've never noticed that the older you get, the less the body tolerates total enjoyment, then you aren't old enough yet. Total enjoyment is really quite exhausting to a decrepit anatomy. But worth the fatigue when the rewards are as fulfilling as the past few days were with my guests here at the Indigo House. The surf boarding, water skiing, beach combing and bar hopping that Mr. & Mrs. GOC2 and I missed due to our infirmities, we made up for in quality time, sharing good stories, and enjoying laughing together. It was no Wreckle on Jekyll, but it surely was the Most on the Coast for us!

Now all I need to do is catch up a week of backed up e-mail and blog reading. I have no idea what you cyber comrades have been up to while I accomplished nothing blogosphericly productive. I'll get back when I'm updated.

If this were a regular blog, I'd be PUSSYFOOTIN™ this: Another psychotic celebrity "passing" as semi-normal.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005
by Debra Burlingame

Continuing my recent languid attitude toward blogging, plus selfishly indulging myself enjoying my house guests, I'm referring visitors tonight to A Sailor in the Desert. He is excerpting and commenting on the article headlined above. Here's a Sailor teaser, but do go over and read the entire piece.

"I am a native New Yorker. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and I could see those towers from my bedroom window. I watched as they rose into the sky. I mourned the loss of 5 friends that served with FDNY, spent time comforting their widows. To say that I am disgusted with this plan is an understatement."

Monday, June 06, 2005
(thanks to both of you)

with Lynx

>^..^< A big WELCOME HOME to Mrs. GOC-WS!

>^..^< Another misconception: I was under the impression that Utah was tough on crime. Guess not.

>^..^< Thanks to Baldilocks I've finally heard something from John Edwards that seems rational and fair. The same for Joe Biden, but he's not looking for my vote.

>^..^< For more Joe Biden newsworthy quotes, visit Greene Thoughts.

>^..^< Still catching up, I found this over at Cowboy Blob's. Letter from a Marine in Iraq, via James Taranto.

>^..^< The Sailor's "Tag" missed me by this = much!! Thanks to all Universal dieties.

>^..^< Unless a SM fogged my memory, today may have been the day Da Goddess got her medical prognosis. Hope she'll have some good news to post.

>^..^< In case you missed it, here's Your Daily Sadie and she has a visitor today!!! I've got a blog about Sadie in my Round Tuit, and one of these days I'll get - - -

>^..^< Continuing in the "pictures" vein, 'bout time for some new ones on the new resident at Gone South, I think. How is Ol' Charlie doing, anyhow?

>^..^< Rivrdog has his say on Medical MJ(again). Also, pictures from his recent cruise.

>^..^< Jennifer Martinez gives a double whammy with Ask Me if I Care About 'Mishandling' of Koran and Three Kinds of People.

>^..^< Have you thought about this? Mostly Cajun is not the first to point out such a possible scenario, but he is the most authentic Louisiana Cajun I've heard it from. Interesting.

>^..^< Acidman remarked on the paucity of D-Day blogs and a commenter responded with this link.

>^..^< And last, but by no means least, my eyes would like to thank Savannah Sam and What's Up Down South for their new blog backgrounds. I CAN SEE! I CAN SEE!!!

Occasionally, you may have seen an INCOMING from my friend, Christina. She was a federal employee in DC until she retired a few years ago - during the Clinton years, I believe. Her daughter is married to a USMC officer, so after her retirement Christina moved to Swansboro to be near her family. That's when I met her. We exchange emails about interesting or entertaining subjects of all stripes. Yesterday I received the following from her.


Division of the human family into two distinct political groups began some 12,000 years ago. Humans then existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunter/gatherers. They lived mainly on deer and other game in the mountains in the summer and would migrate to the coast and subsist on seafood in winter.

The two most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to give man easier access to the beer.

These two enormous innovations were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups: Liberals and Conservatives.

Once beer was discovered it required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were yet invented, so our early human ancestors were forced to live relatively close to the brewery. That's how villages were formed.

Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to barbecue at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as "the Conservative movement."

Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting learned to live off the Conservatives by showing up for the nightly barbecues and doing the cleaning, sewing, fetching, and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the Liberal movement.

Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women. The rest became known as "girlie men."

Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the trade union, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, sensitivity training and the concept of democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that coervatives provided.

Over the years, conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass.

Modern liberals will drink imported beer, but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish and vegetables. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare.

Another interesting revolutionary side note: most of their women have higher testosterone levels than their men. Most social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists, educators, Hollywood actors and directors, government employees, non-profit organizations and group therapists are liberals. Liberals invented baseball's designated hitter rule because it just wasn't "fair" to make the pitcher also bat.

Conservatives drink domestic beer. They eat rare red meat and provide and care for their women. Conservatives are entrepreneurs, big-game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, medical doctors, police officers, corporate executives, soldiers-sailors-marines, athletes, and generally anyone who works productively outside government. Conservatives who own companies hire other conservatives who want to work for a living.

Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to "govern" the producers and decide how to redistribute their earnings. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when conservatives were coming to America. The liberals crept in after the Wild West was tamed and created a business of trying to get something for nothing, from the fruits of others' labor.

Here ends today's lesson in the evolution of mankind.