Indigo Insights

Sunday, June 26, 2005
with Lynx

>^..^< An American Boy Grows Up. Experience this touching video with voiceover by John Wayne. Don't know where the Old Navy Guy found it, but it's definitely a "kleenex moment."

>^..^< Chuck, of You Big Mouth You, posts an article from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about the perils and progress of Iraqi firemen.

>^..^< Ocean Guy is wondering why the trial of Sami Al-Arian is getting such little national coverage. So am I.

>^..^< Mike the Marine and the Sailor in the Desert are experiencing Blogspot probs, but if you can work around the snafus, give their blogs a read. Always informative.

>^..^< McGehee responds to Kelo with some sane suggestions. Or maybe you don't agree. Tell him.

>^..^< Chuck Myguts gives the "redneckin Laws that deal with bolts" See June 25 and scroll for the heading "2 and I worked on the “2+3” yesterday."

>^..^< Altho GOC Denny and GOC Ray are both coming out from under some extra burdens, they still manage to get engrossing posts up from time to time. [G]

>^..^< Expect a low profile today from The Wild Bunch who attended the Low-Country Boil last night.