Indigo Insights |
Musings of the Chronologically Challenged™ Fourth Generation ![]()
Thursday, July 31, 2003
No Drum Roll but a Blog Roll -- sort of Day one of the month will be Blog Roll day until such time as a real one gets up on the left. These favorite blogs can be relocated by scrolling to the first day of that month. Email address: indigoinsights [at] hotmail [dot] com redneckin' Possumblog South Knox Bubba Compleat Redneck Gone South Yorkieblog Trojan Horseshoes Jay Solo Kevin McGehee Zone Grouchy Old Cripple Peoria Pundit Margi Lowry Sam's River Rachel Lucas Best of the Web Nealz Nuze Saturday, July 26, 2003
Seinfeld Blog (a blog about nothing) Well, anyhow, nothing but this: Blog Daddy and Good Buddy Chuck has moved. His previous digs were at Blogspot but he's moved on up to Idlehour - which, come to think of it, may be a better place for a redneck. You know, "idle" and all. (It's a joke, son. As anyone who knows him is fully aware, Chuck is almost never idle!) Update now and watch the progress day by day, as he moves in, puts up curtains, etc. OT Observation At the rate North State Blogs is growing, there won't be room for my personal favorites, in case that ever happens. OT 2 If anyone has update info on Yorkie Lady, please email me at indigoinsights [at] hotmail [dot] com. She hasn't posted in a while. Thursday, July 24, 2003
And that's just from North State Blogs. I'm not nearly finished surfing for plagiarized material. Check back later to see if I had an original thought. Some days it's a blessing that I don't have Comments! Another One Bites the Dust! According to Betsy's Page, via Lileks, another of my favorite actors has shown himself to be a 'tard. Lileks reports on Michael Medved's interview with Eric Roberts, Julia's less famous and rich brother. [Indigo: My favorite phrase from Mr. Lileks: " Roberts - by then desperately out of his league -"] After Prager came one of the more amusing, and painful, interviews I’ve ever heard. Medved interviewed the actor Eric Roberts, he of Star 80 fame. Apparently Mr. Roberts had issued some political manifesto; apparently Medved had treated it with less than boundless respect; apparently Roberts fired back an email to Medved that contained many provocative contentions. The only one I heard was this: Republican budget cuts were responsible for that old man who plowed his car into the Santa Monica farmer’s market. As I understood Mr. Robert’s explanation, we spend too much money on the military, which is “killing people all over the world,” and not enough on programs that would drive seniors to the grocery store or the doctor. Medved - who sounded as though he was doing the interview with a big, silly, incredulous grin - asked what that had to do with the old man, who was well-off and had no need of any such program. Roberts - by then desperately out of his league - insisted that the lack of such a program to stop seniors from driving when they were past the age of 77 and provide state-funded chauffeurs was “a crime against humanity.” I am not making this up, as a certain fellow says. Then came the break. I thought: does Eric Roberts realize that he can just hang up the phone? Sometimes it’s best just to realize that you are being disemboweled, and give up. What’s the worst the show can do - call you back with that extra-angry ring? don’t answer. Take the dog for a walk. Have a smoke. Back from the break. Medved asks a question about these budget cuts, and to everyone’s surprise he’s answered by a female voice. It’s Eric Roberts’ wife. He couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t want to be “soundbited.” So he gives the phone to his wife and says you do it. The entire nation gets the image of Eric Roberts in the next room curled up in a beanbag talking to Mr. Teddy. The wife is feisty, though, and she’s more than willing to mix it up. Later her mother comes on. Eventually Mr. Roberts rejoins the conversation, and - posted by Betsy Newmark 2:39 PM What IS IT with celebrities? Obviously, they don't put any credence in some famously astute quotations. e.g. "Better to keep your mouth closed and let people THINK - - -" Also from Betsy's Page this extremely interesting essay. "Sword of Honour: Paul Robinson on the ancient code of insult and revenge that is still prevalent in the American South." NSBs and other Southern bloggers will find a good read here. Oh - what the heck. Just go to Betsy's Page and see her entire offering for today. I'm ashamed to "borrow" any more of her work, but you really need to read it. You'll be glad you did. Also, don't miss Ocean Guy's blog and Quotes of the Day at Emerson's. These quotes are real knee-slappers. It was a real "LOL" moment when I read them! According to Sam - - - the following little essay has been stolen and stolen and stolen. Now I'm stealing it too. If you're interested in the list of the other thieves, go here. A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. She considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, but her father was a staunch Republican. One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to high taxes and welfare programs. He stopped her and asked how she was doing in school. She answered that she had a 4.0 GPA, but it was really tough. She had to study all the time and never had time to go out and party. She didn't have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying. On top of that, the part-time job her father insisted she keep left absolutely no time for anything else. He then asked, "How is your friend Carol?" She replied that Carol was barely getting by. she had a 2.0 GPA, never studied, but was very popular on campus, didn't have a job, and went to all the parties. She was always complaining about not having any money, but didn't want to work. Why, she often didn't show up for classes because she was hung over. Dad then asked his daughter why she didn't go to the Dean's office and request that 1.0 be taken off her 4.0 and given it to her friend who only had a 2.0. That way they would both have a respectable 3.0 GPA. Then, she could also give her friend half the money she'd earned from her job so that her friend would no longer be broke. The daughter angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair. I worked really hard for my grades and money, and Carol just loafs. Why should her laziness and irresponsibility be rewarded with half of what I've worked for?" The father slowly smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party." Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Dan Rather Chokes Up Indigo has little respect, and certainly no love, for Dan Rather. But in Media Research Center's lambasting of his emotionalism during the Jessica Lynch homecoming broadcast, it seems to me they went to new lows to bash Liberals. IMO, the Rather excerpt could have, and should have, been presented without the sarcasm that MRC has historically criticized Rather for. Read MRC's entire report and view video here: Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Name Change A more appropriate name for my site may be "Jade" Insights, rather than "Indigo" Insights, since this editor is totally jaded! Physically and mentally. There are several items in the news today that I'd comment on, if I had the energy. But alas. By the time I get my "get up and go" up, Rottweiler Man, McGehee, Possum Man, Bubba, Rachel, Peoria Pundit, Chuck Myguts, and others whose words flow effortlessly from their fingers like sand in an hour glass, have already posted and done it better than I could on my best day. So here's what to do, Dear Hearts and Gentle People, click on some of those links and get the very best journalistic input available on the Hussein brothers, Jessica, Monrovia, the criminal basketball players, or the child murderers of the day. As for me, I'm leaving you with the following, which obviously took no effort on my part. Mail Box -- Tom, Salt Lake City The Intelligence Riddle George W. Bush is hanging out with the Queen of England. He asks her: "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give to me?" The Queen says: "Well, the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people." Bush frowns and replies: "Well, how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?" The Queen takes a little sip of tea and says: "Oh, that's easy. You just ask them to answer an intelligence riddle." The Queen pushes the button on her intercom and says: "Please send Tony Blair in here, would you?" Tony Blair walks into the room and says: "Yes, my Queen?" The Queen smiles at Tony and says: "Tony, answer me this, please. Your mother and father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?" Without pausing for a moment, Tony Blair says: "Well, that would be me." The Queen smiles and says: "Yes! Very good. Thank you!" "Your Majesty," says Blair, and takes his leave. Back at the White House, Bush is a bit puzzled. He asks to speak with Vice President Dick Cheney. "Hey Dick, answer this for me, would you? Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?" Cheney frowns and says: "Geez, I'm not sure. Lemme get back to you on that one." With all that this implies, Bush was upset that Cheney didn't know the answer. Cheney goes to all his advisors and asks everyone he can, but no one can give him an answer. Finally, he ends up in the men's room and recognizes Colin Powell's shoes in the next stall. Cheney shouts over to him: "Hey Colin! Can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Powell flushes the toilet and yells back: "Hey, that's easy. It's me!" Cheney smiles and yells, "Thanks!" Cheney hurriedly goes back to the Oval Office and tells Bush: "Hey, I finally figured out the answer to that riddle! It's Colin Powell!" Bush gets up and angrily stomps over to Dick Cheney and yells right into Dick's face: "No, you idiot! It's Tony Blair!" Saturday, July 19, 2003
Mail Box From The Horse's Mouth, so to speak Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 10:04 PM Subject: Current Events Letter From a U.S. Army Major in Iraq to His Church OPEN LETTER TO THE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF RICHMOND BEACH It has been a while since I have written to my friends at First Lutheran Church about what's really going on here in Iraq. The news you watch on TV is exaggerated, sensationalized and selective. Good news doesn't sell. The stuff you don't hear about on CNN? Let's start with Electrical Power production in Iraq. The day after the war was declared over, there was nearly 0 power being generated in Iraq; 45 days later, in a partnership between the Army, the Iraqi people and some private companies, there are now 3200 mega watts (Mw) of power produced daily, or 1/3 of the total national potential. Downed power lines ( big stuff, 400 Kilovolt (Kv) and 132 Kv) are being repaired and are now about 70% complete. Then there is water purification. In central Iraq between Baghdad and Mosul, home of the 4th Infantry Division, water treatment was spotty at best. The facilities existed, but the controls were never implemented. Simple chemicals like Chlorine for purification and Alum (Aluminum Sulfate) for sediment settling (the Tigris River is about as clear as the Mississippi River) were in very short supply. Or not used at all. And when chlorine was used, it was metered by guessing. So some people got pool water to drink and some people got water with lots of little things floating around in it. We are slowly but surely solving that. Contracts for repairs to facilities [that are only 50% or less operational ] are being let. Chemicals are being delivered, although we don't have the metering problem solved yet (... but again, it's only been 45 days). How about oil and fuel? Well the war was all about oil wasn't it? You bet it was. It was all about oil for the Iraqi people ! They have no other income. They produce nothing else. Oil is 95% of the Iraqi GNP. For this nation to survive, it MUST sell oil. The Refinery at Bayji is at 75% of capacity in producing gasoline. The crude oil pipeline between Kirkuk (Oil Central) and Bayji will be repaired by tomorrow (2 June). LPG, what all Iraqi's use to cook and heat with, is at 103% of normal production. And WE, the US ARMY, are insuring it is being distributed FAIRLY to ALL Iraqi's. You have to remember that only 3 months ago, ALL these things were used by the Sadam regime as weapons against the population to keep them in line. If your town misbehaved, gasoline shipments stopped .. LPG pipelines and trucks stopped .. water was turned off .. power was turned off. Now, until exports start again, every drop of gasoline produced goes to the Iraqi people. Crude oil production is being stored and the country is at 75% capacity right now. They need to export or stop pumping soon, ... so thank the UN for that delay. ALL LPG goes to the Iraqi people EVERYWHERE. And water is being purified as best it can be, but at least it's running all the time to everyone. Are we still getting shot at? Yep. Are American Soldiers still dying? Yep, about 1 a day from my outfit, the 4th Infantry Division, most in accidents. But dead is dead. If we are doing all this for the Iraqi's, why are they shooting at us? The general Iraqi population isn't shooting at us. There are still bad guys, who won't let go of the old regime. They are Ba'ath party members (read Nazi Party, but not as nice) who have known nothing but .. and supported nothing but .. the regime all of their lives. These are the thugs for the regime that caused many to disappear in the night. They have no other skills. At least the Nazis had jobs and a semblance of a national infrastructure that they could go back to after the war, .. as plumbers, managers, engineers, etc. These people have no skills .. but terror. They are simply applying their skills. But we are applying ours. There is no Christian way to say this .. but they must be eliminated and we are doing so with all the efficiency we can muster. Our troops are shot at literally everyday by small arms and Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs). We respond and 100% of the time, the Ba'ath party guys come out with the short end of the stick. The most amazing thing to me is that they don't realize that if they stopped shooting at us, we would focus on .. fixing things more quickly .. and then leave back to the land of the Big PX. And the more they shoot at us, the longer we will have to stay. Lastly, all of you please realize that 90% of the damage you see on TV was caused by Iraqi's, NOT by us and not by the war. Sure we took out a few bridges from military necessity, we took out a few power and phone lines to disrupt communications, sure we drilled a few palaces and government headquarters buildings with 2000 lb. laser guided bombs (I work 100 yards from where two hit the Tikrit Palace), he had plenty to spare. But, ANY damage you see to schools, hospitals, power generation facilities, refineries, pipelines, was ALL caused either by .. the Iraqi Army in its death throes .. or from much of the Iraqi civilians looting the places. Could we have prevented it? Nope. We can and do it now, but 45 days ago the average soldier was fighting for his own survival .. and trying to get to his objectives as fast as possible. He was lucky to know what town he was in much less be informed enough to know .. who owned what .. or have the power to stop a 1,000 people from looting and burning a building by himself. The United States and our Allies, especially Great Britain, are doing a very noble thing here. We stuck our necks out on the world's chopping block to free an entire people from the grip of a horrible terror that was beyond belief. I've already talked the weapons of mass destruction thing to death, ... bottom line, who cares? This country was one big conventional weapons ammo dump anyway. We have probably destroyed more ground weapons and ammo in the last 30 days than the US Army has ever fired in the last 30 years (Remember, this is a country the size of Texas), so drop the WMD argument as the reason we came here ... if we find them GREAT.. if we don't, SO WHAT? I'm living in a "guest palace" on a 500 acre palace compound with 20 palaces with like facilities built in half a dozen towns all over Iraq that were built for one man. Drive down the street and out into the country side 5 miles away, like I have, and see all the families of 10 or more, all living in mud huts and herding the two dozen sheep on which their very existence depends, ...then tell me why you think we are here. WMD ? ...important .. have to find 'em wherever they may be (.. in Syria?), but not OUR real motivator. Don't let it be yours either. Respectfully, ERIC RYDBOM, MAJOR Deputy Division Engineer 4th Infantry Division Friday, July 18, 2003
Last Chance for Ping Goddess! An extremist Muslim arrives at the gates of heaven. St. Peter says, "I'm St. Peter. Welcome to Heaven." The Muslim says, "Nice to meet you Peter, but I'm a Muslim and I want to meet Muhammad." St. Peter says, "Sure no problem. Climb up those stairs behind you and you will meet Muhammad." The Muslim climbs up the stairs, gets to the top and there is Moses. Moses says "Hi, I'm Moses. Welcome to Heaven." The Muslim is very excited - "Moses, its such an honor to meet you. But like I told St. Peter, I'm a Muslim and I really want to meet Muhammad." Moses says, "No problem. Climb up the stairs behind you and you will meet Muhammad." The Muslim climbs up the ladder, gets to the top; he can't see anything but bright light. He sees this figure before him and asks, "Who are you?" The figure responds - "I am God. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Heaven." God walks over and shakes his hand. The Muslim is stunned - he can hardly speak. He says to God "Sir, it is such an honor to meet You - I can't believe it - this place is great. But I'm a Muslim and, no disrespect intended, but I really want to meet Muhammad." God says "Ohhh... You're here to see Muhammad. I see. No problem. Have a seat. Get comfortable. Can I get you some coffee or something to eat?" The Muslim says, "I would love a cup of coffee." God yells into the kitchen, "Hey Muhammad, 2 coffees!!!" Profuse apologies to the Ping goddess for whatever I did that PO'd her so much that she will not process my pinging. Mary's Diary below, posted at 01:35, still has no ping. Maybe this one will go thru. Mary's Diary While looking for something else Southern in my Favorites today, I happened upon this old favorite. Mary Chestnut's journal as eyewitness to events pre- and post- the Civil War era is a priceless history. For those who may not have read her historical record, this from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries will get you started. May as well bookmark, since it will require several readings, unless the reader is starved for such information and is prepared to read all night. Thought this might be an interesting interlude in the Barbecue Wars! Enjoy. Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut, 1823-1886 A Diary from Dixie CHARLESTON, S. C., November 8, 1860. - Yesterday on the train, just before we reached Fernandina, a woman called out: "That settles the hash." Tanny touched me on the shoulder and said: "Lincoln's elected." "How do you know?" "The man over there has a telegram." The excitement was very great. Everybody was talking at the same time. One, a little more moved than the others, stood up and said despondently: "The die is cast; no more vain regrets; sad forebodings are useless; the stake is life or death." "Did you ever!" was the prevailing exclamation, and some one cried out: "Now that the black radical Republicans have the power I suppose they will Brown 1 us all. " No doubt of it. I have always kept a journal after a fashion of my own, with dates and a line of poetry or prose, mere quotations, which I understood and no one else, and I have kept letters and extracts from the papers. From to-day forward I will tell the story in my own way. I now wish I had a chronicle of the two delightful and eventful years that have just passed. Those delights have fled and one's breath is taken away to think what events have since crowded in. Like the woman's record in her journal, we have had "earthquakes, as usual" - daily shocks. 1. A reference to John Brown of Harper's Ferry. Wednesday, July 16, 2003
More on Barbecue Wars Check the Congressional Record. It's there somewhere that Congress awarded the Champion Barbecue Cooking Award to The Skylight Inn, of Ayden, Pitt County, North Carolina. This was (and is) whole hog pit cooking. There was a front page article in the little town's paper with a documented bio stating that the Dennis family had been selling BBQ in and around Ayden since around Civil War time. Texas became a state during the time period 1846-1861. Pork and beef is like oranges and apples, don't you think? Posted by: Indigo at July 15, 2003 10:51 PM I left the above comment for A Single Guy in the South, mainly for the Texans who seemed to be claiming they invented barbecue. Upon doing a little research, however, Lo! and Behold! I discovered that Ayden, NC barbecue dates back to 1830 - looooooooooooong before Texas became a state. Some of the Googled-up references are: USA Today -- June 16, 2001 Pitstops Along the Barbecue Highway Pete Jones's Skylight Inn S. Lee Street Ayden, NC 28489 (919) 746-4113 Located off the beaten path in the hamlet of Ayden, the Skylight Inn was founded by Pete Jones in 1947 on a site where his ancestors had made barbecue for a century or more before him. There it sits on the coastal plains of eastern North Carolina, capped with a replica of a rotunda (not unlike the one on the U.S Capitol building in Washington) that, in turn, is topped off with a huge American flag. If you don't use the whole pig, it's not barbecue. Pete Jones, age 73, owner of The Skylight Inn (4617 Lee St., Ayden, N.C.; 252-746-4113). Learned the art: From his uncle Emmitt Dennis, whose family claims a professional barbecue heritage dating to 1830. "I've been working at it since July 6, 1935. ... My uncle had me toting wood and chopping meat. He said if I put a cleaver in each hand, I wouldn't cut my fingers off." Tricks of the trade: "We smoke the whole pig — if you don't use the whole pig, it's not barbecue. ... We do a medium chop with some cracklin' (crispy skin) added in there for taste and texture. Then we use salt, pepper, vinegar and Texas Pete (a hot sauce)." Stack fact: The Skylight Inn went through $23,000 worth of oak and hickory last year. Barbecue beef: "The health inspector is trying to make me go to a stainless-steel cooker. He says they're more sanitary. ... There's only a handful of us wood-cookers left." "In eastern North Carolina, the meat is moistened with a peppery vinegar sauce. In western North Carolina, ketchup is added, while in South Carolina, mustard and a sweetener are key ingredients." If you don't use the whole pig, it's not barbecue. Cole slaw The Carolinas restaurants win this, hands down. Cooks pay extra attention to their cabbage because it's an integral part of every pork sandwich. Two superior versions — finely minced and perfectly balanced between sweet and tart — can be found at The Skylight Inn in Ayden, N.C. (252-746-4113) and Parker's Barbecue in Wilson, N.C. (252-237-0972). NC BBQ Society Message Board There are 77,000 results of a Google search on what may be found in the Congressional Record. I truly don't have time for that search, but documentation from The Ayden News-Leader may be obtainable to anyone interested. Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Oh Well! WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government will pay a small portion of the legal fees accumulated by former President Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton during the independent counsel investigation of their failed Arkansas land deal, an appeals court ruled Tuesday. [via Betsy's Page] Barbecue Wars Let the games begin.! Then, when all is said and done, check the U.S. Congressional Record for the "National Barbecue Champion". Ayden, Pitt County, North Carolina. No, I"m not going to do the homework for the battlers. Good luck with Google. Tip of the bonnet here. Just Hi! Since it's already past morning, I can't say "Good Morning!" like Chuck, and then disappear for the rest of the day. I'm going to leave a couple of tidbits via links and email and promise to do better after the dust settles around here! Still too much activity here to sit and type! Semper Fi! Compleat Redneck has a good Marine story. "Once a Marine, always a Marine" is not just a cliche used by ex-Marines, as many civilians think! And furthermore, there aren't any EX-Marines!!! FDNY Want one of these? Or even a dozen? Thanks to Janis, who apparently keeps an eye out for hunks!!! Who's Lying? And from a commenter over at SKB's regarding politicians' lying: >>and you can say it's a "mistake", but there is mounting evidence that he lied<< The trouble with this "mounting evidence that he lied" is that there's also "mounting evidence it was a mistake". Democrats believe one thing, Republicans another, depending on their party affiliation. And as such, who really knows what to believe - both sides trot out denial after accusation after explanation after "Smoking Gun" after plausible deniability, and the truth is left in the dust in the name of partisanship and stubborness. I've read article after article, read blogs, watched the news and am no closer in forming a reasoned opinion whether he lied about Niger, whether Iraq had WMD, whether Saddam or Bin Laden are dead, who won the 2000 election, and whether the Vols are going to win more games than last year. No, wait, that I'm confident of. Barry (obviously from Tennessee!) MAIL BOX Women's Midlife Crisis I've seen two shows lately that went on and on about how mid-life is a great time for women. Just last week Oprah had a whole show on how great menopause will be.... Puhleeeeeeeze! I've had a few thoughts of my own and would like to share them with you. Whether you are pushing 40, 50, 60 (or maybe even just pushing your luck), you'll probably relate. ~Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache. ~In mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wingspans. We are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag. ~Mid-life is when you can stand naked in front of a mirror and you can see your rear without turning around. ~Mid-life is when you go for a mammogram and you realize that this is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless. ~Mid-life is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, "Listen honey, even the Roman empire fell and those will too." ~Mid-life brings wisdom to know that life throws us curves and we're sitting on our biggest ones. ~Mid-life is when you look at your know-it-all, beeper-wearing teenager and think, "For this I have stretch marks?" ~In mid-life your memory starts to go. In fact the only thing we can retain is water. ~Mid-life means that your Body By Jake now includes Legs By Rand McNally -- more red and blue lines than an accurately scaled map of Wisconsin. ~Mid-life means that you become more reflective. You start pondering the "big" questions. What is life? Why am I here? How much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice? But mid-life also brings with it an appreciation for what is important. We realize that breasts sag, hips expand and chins double, but our loved ones make the journey worthwhile. Would any of you trade the knowledge that you have now for the body you had way back when? Maybe our bodies simply have to expand to hold all the wisdom and love we've acquired. Anyhow, that's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it! [Send this to four women and you will lose two pounds. Send this to all the women you know, and you will lose 10 pounds. If you delete this message, you will gain 10 pounds immediately. (That's why I had to pass this on -- I couldn't risk it!] Friday, July 11, 2003
To Ping or Not to Ping? The Blogger gremlins were out late last night. The "good-night/good bye for a while" post published at 11:05 pm did not get updated. I have a few readers who may need the information, so I'm trying again. It seems if there are any gremlins about, they jump right on my asterisk!!! Thursday, July 10, 2003
North State Blogs NSB now has 28 members! And after only five weeks. Thankfully, Tony realized that if he built it, they would come!!! Without checking each blog and working only from memory, Betsy's Page is the only one I recall that gives bio info. Since memory is not my strong suit, I think it would be cool to have a little bio info on everyone. I'm still trying to learn the members. Anyhow, thanks Betsy, for sharing some background with us. If Indigo Insights ever gets the face-lift, maybe I can get a couple of words of info up too. Possible Haitus Blogging as time permits for the next week. It's summertime at the beach, ya'll. Vacation time for all "inlanders" - referred to by the locals as "highlanders." Lots and lots of people come to visit. I may be sporadically unavailable -- but having fun. First guests arrive tomorrow, MOF, and I'm so excited. Any of you who happen to be on the Inland Waterway, stop in to say hi! Pick out a grey shake house and tie up your boat. If it's not my house, try, try again. I'd really like to see you. Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Getting to Know the Candidates A Profile in Choice Nothing Could Be Finer Than Choice in Carolina Bio and pictures Kemp Endorsement I believe that Vernon's race is one of the most important congressional elections in 2004. He is a remarkable candidate who deserves our support, and I thank you in advance for helping this great American and terrific candidate get elected to the U.S. Congress. Sincerely, Jack Kemp Honorary Chairman Robinson for Congress Betsy's Page Tuesday, July 08, 2003 Okay, I bet they're shaking in their boots now in the White House at the thought of opposing John Edwards next year. Yesterday, at a town hall meeting, Edwards laid out his campaign strategy for the general election. ''He's a phony. He is a complete phony. The way you tell a counterfeit and the way you tell a phony, you put the real thing beside it in 2004,'' Edwards said. Wipe the coffee off your computer screen. Whatever you might think of Bush, you would have to admit that he doesn't come off as a phony to the American public. It is his genuineness that has kept his popularity figures up in the 60s. And for Pretty Boy Edwards, political godson of Bill Clinton, to pretend that he is "the real thing" is but to laugh. posted by Betsy Newmark 9:10 PM For Sale: Shoe-shaped house HELLAM, Pennsylvania (AP) -- House hunters and footwear fanatics, take note: A three-bedroom, two bath house that happens to be shaped like a giant shoe is up for sale. From the Mailbox John, New Jersey ANYWAY People are unreasonable, illogical, self-centered them anyway If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives good anyway If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies successful anyway The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow good anyway Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable honest and frank anyway People love underdogs but follow only top dogs .....follow some underdog anyway What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight anyway People really need help but may attack you if you try to help people anyway If you give the world the best you have, you may get kicked in the teeth ......but give the world the best you have.....ANYWAY ..... Mother Theresa Tuesday, July 08, 2003
From the Mailbox Kirsten, of Greenville, NC, sent in this old favorite; recycled in case anyone in the Blogosphere hasn't seen it before. SOUTHERN CALLS A man in Topeka, Kansas, decided to write a book about churches around the country. He started by flying to San Francisco and working East from there. Going to a very large church, he began taking photographs and making notes. He spotted a golden telephone on the vestibule wall and was intrigued with a sign, which read "$10,000 a minute." Seeking out the pastor, he asked about the phone and the sign. The pastor answered that this golden phone is, in fact, a direct line to Heaven and if he pays the price, he can talk directly to God. The man thanked the pastor and continued on his way. As he continued to visit churches in Seattle, Salt Lake, Denver, Chicago, New York, and around the United States, he found more golden phones, with the same sign, and the same answer from each pastor. Finally, he arrived in the South. Upon entering a church, behold, he saw the usual golden telephone. But THIS time, the sign read "Calls: 25 cents." Fascinated, he asked to talk to the pastor. "Reverend, I have been in cities all across the country and in each church I have found this golden telephone and have been told it is a direct line to Heaven and that I could talk to God. But in the other churches the cost was $10,000 a minute. Your sign reads 25 cents a call. Why?" (You'll just love this part) The pastor, smiling benignly, replied, "Son, you're in the South now. It's a local call." Is There a Doctor in the House? Janis over at Gone South gave this link to Medipundit, a new site to me. Browsing around, I found a jewel called "Kill As Few Patients As Possible - thoughts from one family doctor". For medical info, plus wit, I highly recommend Dr. Bradley's blog. Don't miss this one. From Opinion Journal Hillary Clinton's Senate Web page features a photo (scroll down to the second pic under "Senator Clinton's Latest Events") captioned: "Senator Clinton speaks at a press conference calling on the Senate to pass Hate Crimes legislation." In the background members of the crowd hold signs reading STOP HATE CRIMES and others with a giant equal sign. But look at the green sign at about 11 o'clock; it appears to read RELIGION IS IMMORAL. In case Clinton's office takes the photo down, we've put a copy here. Quotes from Nealz Nuze "The college idealists who fill the ranks of the environmental movement seem willing to do absolutely anything to save the biosphere, except take science courses and learn something about it." -- P.J. O'Rourke "Democracy is a form of religion. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses." -- H.L. Mencken "Politicians are on a role and they see their goal of government (socialized) health care becoming a reality." -- Neal Boortz Et tu, Neal? "on a ROLE"? [role also rôle n. 1. A character or part played by a performer.] Things You Would Have Never Known Without the Movies - Final Installment (sigh) ++ Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessary to turn the wheel vigorously from left to right every few moments. ++ It is always possible to park directly outside the building you are visiting. ++ A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty. ++ It does not matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts - your enemies will patiently attack you one by one by dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out their predecessors. ++ When a person is knocked unconscious by a blow to the head, they will never suffer a concussion or brain damage. ++ No-one ever involved in a car chase, hijacking, explosion, volcanic eruption or alien invasion will ever go into shock. ++ Once applied, lipstick will never rub off - even while scuba diving. ++ You can always find a chainsaw when you need one. ++ Any lock can be picked by a credit card or a paper clip in seconds unless it's the door to a burning building with a child trapped inside. ++ Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you personally at the precise moment that it is aired. Monday, July 07, 2003
Cal Poly Follow-up To make it easier to "get in touch" with Cal Poly, here's contact info from Instapundit: Warren J. Baker, President, Cal Poly: (805) 756-6000; Cornel Morton, V.P., Student Affairs: (805) 756-1521; Quote from Glenn Reynolds: "If you choose to contact them, please be polite." More to the story from Critical Mass/Erin O'Connor here. Good Links Thanks to Peoria Pundit for the link to Betsy's Page. After excerpting from the Review Journal (see entire article here), Betsy concludes with a suggestion of her own: "This is so Orwellian that it could (I hope) only happen in California. Instapundit has listed the phone numbers and e-mail addresses of the Cal Poly officials involved. I imagine that they're going to feel the effects of an Instacan of whoopa## tomorrow. Feel free to open your own "polite" can on Cal Poly. They shall learn the power of the blogosphere! posted by Betsy Newmark 7:58 PM" So how about it Blogosphere? What Is a Grandmother? (taken from papers written by a class of 8-year-olds) ++ A grandmother is a lady who has no little children of her own. She likes other people's. ++ Grandmothers don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them. They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the store and have lots of quarters for us. ++ When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars. ++ They show us and talk to us about the color of the flowers and also Why we shouldn't step on "cracks." ++ They don't say, "Hurry up." ++ Usually grandmothers are fat, but not too fat to tie your shoes. ++ They wear glasses and funny underwear. ++ They can take their teeth and gums out. ++ Grandmothers have to be smart. ++ They have to answer questions like "Why isn't God married?" and "How come dogs chase cats?". ++ When they read to us, they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again. ++ Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television, because they are the only grown ups who like to spend time with us. ++ They know we should have snack-time before bedtime and they say prayers with us every time, and kiss us even when we've acted bad. Sunday, July 06, 2003
Ode to Pork My only friend in Doha, Qatar has an article published on ChronWatch. In it he blatantly tells what a "pig" he is!!! Funny, Doc. But that loud slam you hear may be your "arteries slamming shut." [quote courtesy of Chuck Myguts] On Affirmative Action David Sims at Clubbeaux gives his in depth analysis of one side of Affirmative Action in this essay. It's an interesting treatise. Please go read it now. And if you don't normally follow a blog into the Comments, do so in this case. Here's one, for example: "As to the subject of the post: one thing is overlooked--- many of the liberals who gush such unrealistic, counterproductive tripe at the underclass do so because they themselves have not had to deal with reality in decades, if ever. Consider that many of our worst liberal politicians never held a job outside Washington in their lives. Nor will their children: e.g., the Kennedy Clan. "Consider that Hollywood--nesting ground of the Breast Beating Limousine Liberal-- is packed full of people who have been coddled and cosseted and adored from afar for decades, and who have subsequently lost touch with reality. "Consider that many of the powerful and famous, or at least notorious, have managed to accumulate obscene wealth and power while cheating, lying, stealing, double-dealing and backstabbing, and yet even when caught red handed flouting the law of the land, have rarely been made to pay the piper. An endless parade of starlets, musicians, politicians, sports figures, rappers, actors and friends-of-same who are caught doing drugs, soliciting prostitutes, committing perjury, cheating on their taxes, even committing rape and murder... and getting a slap on the wrist. "Why shouldn't the underclass believe that's the route to fame and power and wealth? And why shouldn't the liberals who *do* such things think the same? After all, it worked for them...." Posted by RHJunior at July 4, 2003 12:59 AM [Indigo to Junior: Go to Go directly to Do not hesitate. Do not procrastinate. Start a blog ASAP.] Things You Would Have Never Known Without the Movies - Part III ++ If staying in a haunted house, women should investigate any strange noises in their most revealing underwear. ++ Mothers routinely cook eggs, bacon and waffles for their family every morning even though their husband and children never have time to eat it. ++ Cars that crash will almost always burst into flames. ++ All telephone numbers in America begin with the digits 555. ++ A single match will be sufficient to light up a room the size of RFK stadium. ++ Medieval peasants had perfect teeth. ++ Any person waking from a nightmare will sit bolt upright and pant. ++ It is not necessary to say hello or goodbye when beginning or ending phone conversations. Saturday, July 05, 2003
If the Today's unusually high number of site meter hits were from visitors hoping to read about the annual 4th of July Celebration at Camp Lejeune yesterday, I do hope they will check back. Belatedly, here it is. The beautiful, blue Carolina sky dawned July 4th with just enough fluffy clouds in the sky to appear to be faces smiling down on the spectacular coast of North Carolina -- home of Camp Lejeune and the United States Marines and Sailors. What a perfect and well-deserved welcome home to military personnel who have been returning for the last several days. The annual affair is always family-oriented, but this year it was more so. It was Family Reunion day. Children kept touching their daddies, as if to hold on to them and not let them get away again. Last year the crowd was impressive. I had never seen so many people together at one place, other than at a football game. This year it was astounding and outstanding in the palpable love among the people - military and civilian. A real emotion-charged day for all. A FDNY engine and more than 100 New York firemen were present. The Assistant Fire Chief ceremoniously presented an I-beam from the wreckage of the World Trade Center to Camp Lejeune for a permanent memorial. He said that Camp Lejeune and NYC would be the only places where WTC wreckage would become part of a memorial for New York City Firemen and Camp Lejeune Marines. He shared a moving personal vignette telling that a large percentage of NY City Firemen were previous Marines. And of those, a large number had been stationed at Camp Lejeune, including himself in 1963. A preview was published July 3 on The Globe site which was quite accurate, other than emphasizing the tremendous size of the assemblage. "Pulled from the wreckage of the World Trade Center, an I-beam recently began its journey through six states to the base from Manhattan. New York City Fire Department chaplain blessed the beam and more than 100 New York firefighters are accompanying it. The department is presenting the 9-11 “icon” to the Marine Corps Base and II Marine Expeditionary Force commanding generals during scheduled July 4th celebrations Friday at W.P.T. Hill Field." See the entire article here. Watching the five Marines re-enacting the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima, I thought how proud they must be. To be chosen as stand-ins for those heroic and famous Marines on Mount Surabachi will be something to tell for the rest of their lives. Plenty of bragging rights there. The Marine Band Concert was highlighted again this year by the 1812 Overture, accompanied by live cannon fire, culminating with the fireworks exhibition. The Piece de Resistance, as always, was the Grand Finale. As the sun set, the Marine Corps Band began a fantastic concert. No toes could remain still! This segment was highlighted by The Marine Corps Hymn, with a moving recitation and re-enactment of the raising of the flag on Mount Suribachi. Every Marine, active and veteran, on the parade ground stood at attention. Military marches and classical selections concluded (perfectly timed with darkness) with the 1812 Overture. The cannons punctuating the Overture were real cannons, actually fired for the performance. These were lined up approximately half a football field away from spectators, so the fire from the ends of the cannons was clearly visible and the noise was deafening. As the last notes of the 1812 Overture faded with the reverberations of cannons, again synchronized to the second, the fireworks exhibition began. The length and intensity of this display made “awesome” an inadequate adjective. God Bless America! Thursday, July 03, 2003
News on Our NC Golden Boy Trojan Horseshoes brings this to our attention, via Ipse Dixit Edwards Blocking Legislation to Benefit Soldiers It looks like John Edwards is playing some dirty pool. Sen. John Edwards, North Carolina Democrat, is single-handedly blocking Senate action on legislation all but unanimously supported by the House to ease the student-loan burden for soldiers fighting overseas... The bill is stalled in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee under a "secret hold," said Sen. Judd Gregg, New Hampshire Republican and chairman of the committee. Senate tradition allows members to lodge secret, or "anonymous," holds against a bill and block it indefinitely... Mr. Edwards and his office initially denied responsibility for blocking the bill at all. "I just talked to Senator Edwards," Mr. Graham said as he stepped off the Senate floor last week. "He said if he has a hold on it, he didn't know about it. He didn't even know about the bill." Told last week that everyone involved with the legislation adamantly said that Mr. Edwards put the hold on it, Edwards spokesman Mike Briggs replied, "They're adamantly wrong." Yesterday, however, Mr. Briggs acknowledged that his boss was stalling the bill. Comment to Trojan Horseshoes: Which makes Edwards pretty much of a bald-faced liar after the promises he tossed around Camp Lejeune during his campaigning. Guess he thought the Corps (nor the civilians) wouldn't remember! [posted by Indigo] A Real Class Act He has trouble making time to vote (having missed 20% of Senate votes so far this year while he's been out campaigning), but Democrat Presidential wanna-be John Edwards has time to block veterans' relief to further his own ambitions. Having lied about it at first, Edwards' front man has now admitted that Edwards is the one secretly blocking a bill that would defer student loans for soldiers fighting overseas. The only reason for this surreptitious obstructionism appears to be that he wants to use the issue to boost his Presidential pretensions by claiming credit for it when it passes sometime in the future. There's really no need to comment further, now is there? [No, CD, there isn't. But Indigo must say that the Edwards lying seems to be becoming a defining characteristic. Of course, some say that's a presidential requirement, and if so it may help Edwards if he attains his far-fetched goal.] Things You Would Have Never Known Without the Movies - Part II ++ The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window in Paris. ++ All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when they are going to go off. ++ If you need to reload your gun, you will always have more ammunition, even if you haven't been carrying any before now. ++ You are very likely to survive any battle in any war unless you make the mistake of showing someone a picture of your sweetheart back home. ++ Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German officer, it will not be necessary to speak the language - a German accent will do. ++ If your town is threatened by an imminent natural disaster or killer beast, the mayor's first concern will be the tourist trade or his forthcoming art exhibition. ++ A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds. ++ When paying for a taxi, don't look at your wallet as you take out a bill - just grab one at random and hand it over. It will always be the exact fare. ++ Kitchens don't have light switches. When entering a kitchen at night, you should open the fridge door and use that light instead. Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Ping Test Just testing the ping. It hasn't been working right for me today. Native American Wisdom * THE EARTH TEACHES ME * Earth teach me quiet, as the grasses are still with new light. Earth teach me suffering, as old stones suffer with memory. Earth teach me humility, as blossoms are humble with beginning. Earth teach me caring, as mothers nurture their young. Earth teach me courage, as the tree that stands alone. Earth teach me limitation, as the ant that crawls on the ground. Earth teach me freedom, as the eagle that soars in the sky. Earth teach me acceptance, as the leaves that die each fall. Earth teach me renewal, as the seed that rises in the spring. Earth teach me to forget myself, as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me to remember kindness, as dry fields weep with rain. {Prayer from the Ute} Imitation = Flattery Grouchy Old Cripple has inspired me to start a series for Indigo. I don't know how old one must be to find these funny, but to me they are hilarious!!! Here's the first installment. Trust me, you couldn't take them all at once! heh Things You Would Never Have Known Without the Movies ++ During all police investigations, it will be necessary to visit a strip club at least once. ++ When they are alone, all foreigners prefer to speak English to each other. ++ If being chased through town, you can usually take cover in a passing St. Patrick's Day parade - at any time of year. ++ All beds have special L-shaped cover sheets which reach up to the armpit level on a woman but only to the waist level on the man lying beside her. ++ The Chief of Police will almost always suspend his star detective or give him 48 hours to finish the job. ++ All grocery bags contain at least one stick of French Bread. ++ It's easy for anyone to land a plane providing there is someone to talk you down. ++ The ventilation system of any building is the perfect hiding place; no one will ever think of looking for you in there and you can travel to any other part of the building undetected. ++ Police departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned to a partner who is their polar opposite. Tuesday, July 01, 2003
July 4th Weather forecasts here at the doorsteps of Camp Lejeune do not bode well for the big Annual Celebration on Friday. It will really ruin the whole summer if Bill is still hanging around and messes it up. Tens of thousands of civilians in the rain is serious business. Of course, to Marines it's SOP. On the very worst imaginable nights of summer (or winter, for that matter) with thunder booming, lightning cutting through the sky, and torrential rain just beating the house the pieces, is when to expect the heavy artillery sounding off all night. The worse the weather, the more the Marines practice. But for me, the prospect of sitting on the parade ground for several hours soaking wet is just not palatable. Besides; I've already survived survival training, inasmuch as I was a Marine in a previous life!! (OK. Before the fundamentalists get totally discombobulated -- just kidding. Just kidding!) Anyhow, last year's July 4th was so awesome in every way (see Archives, July 5, 2002), we are enlarging our entourage this year and making a bigger party of it. Again, it's times like this I wish Indigo had picture capability. It would be great to post some next week. Meanwhile, I'm getting psyched up for the big (hopefully beautiful!) day by surfing up items like this: "Whether serenading Adams and Jefferson, accompanying Lincoln to Gettysburg, or performing here at the White House, the Marine Band has become a national institution and a national treasure." -- Ronald Reagan Turn up speakers and click Bad News for Horace Horace Duhnno 12 Connect Street Webville, OH 24487 Dear Mr. Duhnno, Upon reviewing the test results and x-rays regarding your symptoms discussed during your examination on 5/18/03, I have been able to determine the cause and treatment for each of your symptoms as follows: The inability to straighten the fingers on your right hand is not the result of the work related accident in March. The x-rays reveal the same curvature in the bone structure that is associated with holding your mouse. Please use the keyboard and function keys for a period of at least 7 days, allowing the muscles and tendons to heal. The results of the blood work has revealed the cause of your stomach disorder is styrofoam consumption. Although this is an expeditious and effortless way of eating, please avoid over heating this material to prevent consumption of the product. The culture we did on your urinary system has confirmed that the repeated infections are the result of failure to relieve yourself as we discussed. Please excuse yourself from the chat room and frequent the bath room when necessary. If the antiseptic cream is not healing the zipper injury you experienced during your hasty return to the computer, please contact the office for a different medication. Please adhere to the diet we provided. The meals consisting of potato chips, pizza, and coffee have your potassium level high and we "must" get it under control with proper dieting. The examination of your eyes and the MRI revealed no causes for the headaches. After giving great thought to your lengthy conversation about time spent "blogging" every day, might I recommend that you reduce the 6 - 7 hours per day to a lesser amount of time. This should eliminate the visual strain and stress headaches. As a treatment for your depression, you might consider establishing more than one email address to provide the volume of incoming messages you seem to be seeking. Also, establishing an ICQ account would provide you another means of instant messaging and increase your "buddy list". As suspected, the tenderness in your abdomen is a hernia resulting from carrying your computer to technical support and will require immediate surgery. We have scheduled admittance on 8/2/03. As per your request, I have contacted the hospital and am sorry to report that they have no facilities available for internet connection in the recovery nor private rooms. Therefore, it appears that the megafire wireless access will be necessary in order for you access the message boards and chat rooms during your hospital stay. Also, public relations has advised they are unable to fulfill your request to notify your "buddy list" once the surgery is complete. Nurse Forshey feels that is a request beyond their capabilities and extends her apology. The hospital and my staff will be contacting you for additional information necessary for your surgery, so please have your phone line cleared and be prepared to accept incoming calls between 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm tomorrow. Sincerely, Dr. J. T. Gates Quote The following is my all-time favorite Churchill quote. I use it frequently, inserting whatever noun is appropriate in place of "pedantry". "This is the sort of pedantry up with which I will not put." --Winston Churchill Blogging Some of my friends and relatives who knew nothing about blogging until they heard it from me have asked "What is it? What's it all about?" Steve at Begging to Differ has linked an essay by Tim Dunlop that gives some answers to these questions. So, Dear Hearts and Gentle People, go read this if you have time. The rather lengthy piece gives a very enlightening explanation of blogging -- with Indigo excepted, of course. No way Indigo Insights can meet the criteria of serious debating. I leave that to the erudite and well-informed from whom I learn. Bloggers Protected Bill Dennis, The Peoria Pundit, gives this link telling about First Amendment rights of bloggers. Interesting. AUTHENTIC Medical Research Vitamin B12 Deficiency Seen in All Types of Vegetarians Dysfunctions R Us Do you sometime question your own sanity? Or maybe just suspect a mild personality disorder? Take this test if you're curious. Double-dog dare you, in fact! |